Authentic Wedding Videography in
Newcastle & Northumberland
Your wedding day is filled with moments you’ll want to remember forever, and our documentary-style videography captures them all, exactly as they happen. Based in Newcastle, we provide professional wedding videography across Northumberland and beyond, preserving every detail—from the full ceremony and heartfelt speeches to candid interactions—with authenticity and care. Our unobtrusive approach ensures your memories are beautifully filmed without disruption, creating a timeless record of your special day.
Wedding Videography in Newcastle & Northumberland
Wedding Videography in Newcastle & Northumberland
Complete Wedding Videography coverage of your Newcastle or Northumberland Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Speeches & Married Couples First dance for only £295
As an established, experienced Newcastle & Northumberland wedding photographer, Jason Friend has long had a passion for visual storytelling enabling him to create images that covey all the love, warmth and human connections that make a couples wedding day so special. For Jason, wedding videography is a natural progression for his wedding photography with the medium of videography allowing him to tell the entire story of your Newcastle or Northumberland wedding - from before the wedding ceremony up until after the married couples first dance.
What's Included in the £295 Videography Package?
Jason will film your entire Newcastle or Northumberland wedding ceremony, wedding breakfast speeches and wedding first dance by using (at least) two professional hybrid video cameras capturing your wedding day in high resolution. Audio is just as important as the actual wedding footage so he also uses a number of external audio recorders to record the sounds of your wedding day.
After the day of your Northumberland or Newcastle wedding, Jason will combine all of your wedding footage into three professionally edited HD quality videos covering your complete wedding ceremony, wedding speeches and married couples first dance.
The wedding videos are delivered directly to the couple via a digital download. They are also uploaded to a secure online server allowing the wedding video to be shared with the married couples family and friends.
Please note that online date booking is only available for 1 year in advance. If your date is after this, please get in touch to check availability.
Jason did a fabulous job of capturing such a special time! Great to be able to show our evening guests our ceremony. Thank you